Blue Room

2 Year Old Program

The beginnings of socialization skills are paramount to the Blue Room 2 Year Old Program at Saugatuck Nursery School. Teachers welcome children into a cozy classroom and the day begins with a variety of enticing learning centers designed to foster our toddlers’ creativity, curiosity, and motor skills.

Snack and lunch times are not only yummy, but wonderful opportunities to incorporate table manners and develop language and socializing skills.

Promoting early literacy in our print rich environment is an integral component of the class. We have an emergent approach while guiding our students. Children are encouraged to experience both teacher-guided and child-centered activities. Most importantly, we gently guide our toddlers to feel comfortable playing cooperatively with a friend and enter small group activities.


Standard Day: 9am - 12pm
Later Gators: 9am - 1:30pm

2 days: Tues / Thurs
3 days: Mon / Wed / Fri
5 days: Monday - Friday