Classroom News


March is here and hopefully warmer weather is on the way! I hope that everyone enjoyed the Break with their families! We are looking forward to the children being back at school and the remainder of the school year with them! It has been so wonderful to witness the growth of all of the children over the past few months! There are so many friendships being made and accomplishments in all classrooms!

Thank you to the families who have brought in wine for our Wine Wall that will be raffled off at our Spring Fling on April 4th. We will be extending our collection of wine to the week of March 3rd. There will be a basket outside at drop off from Monday, March 3rd thru Friday, March 7th for anyone who would still like to participate. Thank you in advance!! This month we will be hosting our next Movie Night of the school year! Mark your calendars for Friday, March 14th from 5:30-8pm. Sign up sheets have been sent home in your child's folder. We hope that many are able to attend!

SNS Logo Wear Shop will be opening soon with some new spring gear available to purchase! More info coming soon!

Just a Reminder that SNS will be closed on Wednesday, March 19th for Staff Professional Development.

Every Friday is School Spirit Fridays! Wear your SNS gear to show your SNS pride!

Important Dates

Friday, March 7th - Fun Fitness with Mr. Mac

Tuesday, March 11 - Yoga with Ms. Angela

Wednesday, March 12 - Acting Out with Ms. Karen

Friday, March 14th - Movie Night 5:30-8pm

Wednesday, March 19 - No School (Professional Development Day)

Monday, March 24 - Music with Mr. Tom

Happy Birthday!!

3rd - Harlynn (Purple Room)

9th - Oliver (Purple Room)

15th - Ms. Meredith

19th - Parker (Purple Room)

27th - Stella (Blue Room)

From the Mouths of Babes

"Ms. C, you look like you're going to the fancy Hampton place with those sunglasses!" -Bowie (Purple Room)

"I have an icepack in my lunchbox, just in case I get a boo-boo." -Evelyn (Blue Room)

Blue Room

Red Room

Purple Room