Purple Room

4 Year Old Program

The Purple Room 4 Year Old Program is designed to scaffold and further develop the maturing skills of this age group. These include cooperative play, conflict resolution, and reasoning abilities as well as kindergarten preparedness.

The day begins with circle time which is the spring board of our day. We welcome each other with song, observe the weather, volunteer for classroom assignments, story telling, and an introduction to the day’s activities. From there the children decide their path and rotate through the various learning centers.

Language development, problem-solving, imaginative play, and experience charts, are used to hone our expressive skills. Mid morning snack time is followed by story and music. Outside play encourages cooperation, conflict resolution, and development of large motor skills.

Standard Day: 9am - 12pm
Lunch Bunch: 9am - 1:30pm

After school enrichment programs are also available


5 days: Monday - Friday